Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) has been launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, on 15th August, 2019, from the ramparts of the Red Fort. The mission, under implementation, in partnership with the States, aims to enable every household in villages to have Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in the next 5 years. It is envisaged that with FHTC, each household will have potable water supply in adequate quantity (at least 55 lpcd) of prescribed quality (as per BIS 10500:2012) on regular and long-term basis. To implement the mission, institutional arrangements at various levels have been made and State’s PHE/ RWS Departments are to play a critical role. They have to help Gram Panchayat (GP) and/ or its sub-committee to plan, implement, manage, operate and maintain its in-village water supply systems. A sense of ownership has to be instilled in the village community as they are at the Centre of this mission. This will require the current programmed implementation structure to transform from infrastructure development to ‘utility-based’ approach, with strategic shift in focus from water supply ‘infrastructure creation’ to ‘service delivery’.

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