Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is a premier investigating agency of India, operating under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. Founded on 1st April 1963, CBI consists of various divisions i.e., Anti Corruption Division, Economic Offences Division, Special Crimes Division, Directorate of Prosecution, Administration Division, Policy & Coordination Division, and Central Forensic Science Laboratory.

The organisation has evolved from an anti-corruption agency to a multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary central police law enforcement agency with the capability, credibility and legal mandate to investigate and prosecute offences anywhere in India.

The CBI Logo is a pictorial mark comprised of several graphical elements and typeface tied together. It shows the expanded form of CBI mentioned at the top, while the middle area shows the National Emblem, followed by “सत्यमेव जयते” in Devanagari script. This means “Truth alone triumphs”. The motto of CBI i.e., Industry, Impartiality & Integrity is given at the bottom.

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